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Find out your Guna Milan or Ashtakoot Kundali Matching 

Kundali Milan or Guna Milan is the matching of horoscopes for marriage in Vedic indian astrology. In Hindu religion and especially in India, marriages are performed with the blessings of elders and older family member, so Kundali Milan for marriage has a very high importance and marriages are fixed only after Kundali Matching. Through Kundali Matching, it is known to what extent the planets are blessing the bride and groom and which astrological remedies can bring happiness in marriage.

For Kundali Matching, we require boy and girl time , date and place of birth for horoscope matchmaking. The results are given on the basis of 36 Gunas matching of Ashtakoot Gunas.
which includes 8 koots given below with strength.
1. Varna Koota: point given 1
2. Vashya Koota: point given 2
3. Tara Koota:  Point given 3
4. Yoni Koota: Point given 4
5. Graha Maitri Koota: Point given 5
6. Gana Koota:  Point given 6
7. Bhakoot Koota: Point given 7
8. Nadi Koota: Point given 8
Total points are 36 

Kundli Matching or Guna Milan and its Importance

Planets and celestial bodies have a great impact on our lives, so whenever it comes to marriage, it is important that the planets give their best effects and results  so that there is harmony, happiness, success and peace between the boy and the girl in married life.

How to interpret Guna Milan?

While matching Kundali, Nadi Koot is very important and has been given the highest point and priority in Guna Milan. If Nadi Koot is unmatchable then even a matching of 28 Gunas will be considered inauspicious. Nadi koot has no remedies. its like a DNA of person.

The maximum number of Gunas in Guna Milan is 36. If Bhakut and Nadi Koot are favourable then a combination of 31 to 36 Gunas will be considered the best, 21 to 30 Gunas will be very good, 17 to 20 will be medium and 0-16 Gunas will be inauspicious.

If Bhakut Koota is unfavourable then the combination will never be good. because bhakut has given 7 points in koota milan. 26-29 Gunas will be considered quite good, 21-25 Gunas will be medium and 0-20 Gunas will be inauspicious.

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